Sunday, August 22, 2010

WAH Moms and Dads

This is an invite to visit my Business Opportunity Page, there you will learn how you to can make an abundant living by Partying, assisting others with Fundraisers, Selling at Events and a host of other ways to make Right Now Money!  The best part of it is that you can also earn a residual income when you build your own team by helping others to do the same thing!  When you join our family you are in business for yourself but you are never by yourself!  I will be with you every step of the way until you make the decision that you no longer need my leadership.  We have the Best Gourmet Scented Candles in the World, just imagine you can have them also monthly and make an income from them also!

What's your favorite scent? I can just about bet that we have it...from Hot Apple Pie to our latest scent of Leather...and it smells just like that new leather smell that you get when you buy a high quality leather jacket!

If you want to make sure that there is not a possibility of Soot getting on your walls or in your clothes either, We have that covered with our Simmer Pots and Melts. 

Just go to the SimplySenseCents tab above and click on the link, and check it out!
While your at it check out my prior post!

Enjoy!  Be Blessed

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dreams & Goals

When my Business was first started, I set some very lofty goals.  I was going to be rich inside of a year. That goal has not changed at all, just my perception of rich has changed.

Today I know that being Rich does not revolve around Just money! I need people in my life to be rich and fulfilled. The Lord did not create humans to live and remain solitary, we are to live in (packs) a family type atmosphere.  The same applies to our Business Life, a business can not thrive without other people.
When I came to realize this fact, I had to change how I viewed others, therefore I had to change my Customer Service aspect of my business.  Today, my customers and my downline are my First Priority!

I am Rich today!  When I first started this business I didn't know but a handful of people, today I know hundreds of people. I have taken the time to get to know them, how many children they have, marital status, most of their likes and dislikes. It's not that I am overly nosy, it's that I've taken the time to build a relationship with them. Some of them can't believe that I will even call them on the phone if I see that they are having a bad day.

My goal is and has been to have people in my life and I do now! I just acquired them through my business.

If you would like to step out and enjoy some of my World, contact me via email or better yet leave a comment below!  Don't forget to Subscribe using the little button!

I have some awesome new products, check them out if you care too, just go to the SimplySenseCents tab, and then click on the shop link once you get there!

Enjoy your day and family!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This is who I am!

People keep telling me to blog about "Who I am", I do this each time that I blog!  First off I am not a simple person.  I am someone who is passionate about what I do on a daily basis.

So lets tackle this one step at a time:
  1.  I am a Christian who happens to be a female Preacher.  Therefore, I talk to people about The Bible, about Jesus Christ and about God. I talk to them about how God wants me to live my life.
  2. I am a Small Business Owner in Oklahoma City, and online. I am a team leader in 2 online  business's.  I am a network marketor in the sense that I have to market my business in order for it to thrieve. No I do not normally go out and just blast my Business Opportunity to just anyone. You see, I believe that if I get 5 people into the opportunity, and train them in an Ethical manner, and they have a passion for the Business, they will in turn get 5 people and train them as they were trained. Numbers don't always make for staying power! Why should I sign up 500 people and have 495 quit after 90 days. To me that is just wasting my time! I would much rather spend my time on 5 that are going to stay, because they have the desire and knowledge to succeed.
  3. I am a person that loves meeting new people and I love helping people. I don't care if it is on a simple matter or a business matter. You see with me It Is The PERSON That Matters. Money is just a tool to acquire things and pay bills. I serve the Lord, First, Last and Always having a Servent attitude is a mindset that should be required of all Business Owners, because without that you won't servive.

    Enough of my ranting today! P.S. Please post a comment below so that I know what you think also, you see this is just another avenue of getting to know people.

Marilyn Fisher
Until next time!

Monday, August 2, 2010

ScentedCandlesOKC Breathe Life Into Your Dreams

Okay my friends you know that I am not a Technical person at all so this is my first attempt at trying to put a video link into this blog. I hope that you like it! Also if you wouldn't mind would you write a comment about it in the comment section, and please feel free to share this blog with your friends!

Look for more in the future with my own face in them!
By the way if you know of someone who is looking for a home-based business lead them to this video and have them click on the Burn and Earn at the end, and it will take them directly to my page.

Enjoy and have a great day!