Thursday, May 31, 2012

Living For Today!

I am sick and tired, both in the literal and physical sense of things!  I am tired from the toil that the cancer is taking on my body! I am tired of being told that I can't do something because it will interfer with someone elses schedule!  I am tired of people mining my searches when I am online and then trying to sell me everything that they have to offer!

1. I AM going to do what I want with the rest of my life!

2. My little bit of money that might be left when I cross-over to the other side, will go to the Ministry and my children....not to a program online!

3.  I am taking Cancer Treatments on Tuesdays and Fridays. Do Not Call Me after 2 pm CST!

I have had to close down my candle business, so I have some stock left over, see the specials on the side bar! I will be using the funds from the candle sales to help pay for my medical expenses!
The gift basket sales help support the Homeless in Oklahoma City!

If I want to travel to see my friends, I am going to do it! You can get another client! I can't get another life once the Lord says that this one is over!  If I have learned nothing more than to "Live Life" to the fullest, in a Christian manner! I have learned it all!

My desire for you is that you "learn how to Live for Today" and not base everything that you do based on next month or next year!  The desires for next month and next year are goals.....and are needed, to give you the desire to keep going>>>>Living Is For Today!

Until the next time!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Do you unwittingly sabotage your health?

Do you unwittingly sabotage your own health?  I never thought that I did, until my Doctor asked me if I was trying to speed up my demise.

I looked at him like he was crazy and asked him, "what do you mean?"  He said "you are on treatments to assist in killing off the cells that are being attacked by the cancer" and here you are taking something that you purchased online to stemulate cell rejuvenation!
You are in fact making things worse, unless you want to speed up your death....Stop It!

So, I stopped it!  I highly suggest that you discuss with your doctor anything that you are planning on taking. People need to understand that products are marketed by everyday people, and they may have a marketing degree most Do Not have degrees in Pharmacology!

~~Magical Marilyn~~